Two dogs sitting in a park

Animal Shelters and Rescues near St. John’s, NL in 2020

Where can I adopt a pet near St. John’s, NL this year? 

You have several options for pet adoption in the St. John’s area. Below, we have information about volunteering at or adopting from a shelter. At the bottom, we also have a list of our top four animal shelters and rescues near St. John’s, NL in 2020.  

Volunteer opportunities at animal shelters in St. John’s, NL 

Are you looking for a way to give back to the St. John’s community? If you are an animal person with some free time, talk to a local shelter or rescue about volunteer opportunities. Volunteer opportunities at shelters can vary from direct contact with the animals to taking care of the more business-orientated parts of shelter life.  

Benefits of adopting a pet from a shelter in St. John’s, NL 

Adopting a pet from a shelter is usually less expensive than other options such as pet stores or independent breeders. Also, most rescues and shelters will spay and neuter their cats and dogs, which is one less expense for you. Supporting shelters and rescues keeps animals off the streets.  

Top four animal shelters and rescues located in the St John’s area 

While we call these the top four animal shelters in the area, we love all animal shelters and rescues that do their part to help homeless animals. We hope that you can find your next pet at one of these great shelters in St. John’s, NL.